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(Hereinafter, together: "The Regulations")

Welcome to the Doocit website (hereinafter: the "Website") operated by Doocit Personal Care Ltd., 516105954 (hereinafter: the "Company").

The instructions below will apply to your use of the website and will form the legal basis in any matter between you and the company. Therefore, please print and read the regulations carefully. Your use of the website constitutes your agreement to the terms of this regulation. To the extent that you do not agree with what is stated in these regulations, please refrain from using the site.

The right/qualifications to make purchases on the website

  1. The user may make purchases on the site if he complies with the cumulative conditions listed below:

  2. The user is competent to perform binding legal actions and is 18 years of age or older.

  3. The user makes use and purchase for a private commercial purpose, and the user will not resell the products (Resell).

  4. The user will use the products in accordance with the instructions for use attached to the products.

  5. The user has a valid credit card legally issued by a credit card company, and with this card the purchase is made on the website.

  6. The company reserves the right to prevent or limit users' access to purchases and/or cancel purchases for any reason, including (and without derogating) if the user's behavior is not according to the rules of use detailed in these regulations, or if the user tries to damage the proper management of the site - and this without providing the user with any reason.

  7. The company may, at any time, temporarily or permanently, change or stop the operation of the website, in whole or in part, in order to carry out maintenance work and/or to make changes and improvements to the website. The company will not be responsible for any change, suspension, or interruption in the website's operation.

  8. Products purchase

  9. Subject to what is stated in section 2.2 above, the company will allow the user who meets the conditions of section 2.1 above to purchase various products through the website (hereinafter: "Order").

  10. In order to place an order for one or more products, the customer must first select the product, including type and quantity.

  11. The company may limit the number of products (of any type, or certain types) that the user may purchase on the site, generally or for a certain period - all at its sole discretion.

  12. After selecting the products, as an integral part of placing the order, the customer must create an account, choose a password and fill out an order form (hereinafter: "the order form"). In the order form, the customer will provide his personal information, as well as credit card information that will be used as the means of payment. Without providing the data requested in the mandatory fields The customer will not be able to place an order on the website.

  13. The username and password are for the user's personal use only, and it is absolutely forbidden to transfer them to any third party without the prior written permission of the company. The user undertakes to take all measures to keep the password secret, and undertakes to bear any damage caused to the customer, the company or any third party due to the use of the customer's account, including the password by an unauthorized party. The user also undertakes to notify the company immediately in the event that his username and/or password has become known to any third party.

  14. Care must be taken to provide the correct and accurate details, otherwise the company will not be able to guarantee the execution of the order. If incorrect details are provided when placing the order, the company will not be able to guarantee that the products will reach their destination. In the event that the products are returned due to incorrect details being provided to the company, the customer will be charged the cost of shipping and handling fees for the shipment.

  15. Providing incorrect information on purpose or without authorization may constitute an offense against the law. Criminal and civil legal proceedings may be taken against a customer who submits incorrect details.

  16. After entering the details as mentioned in section 4.3 above, and the customer confirming his order, the system will verify the credit card details through an external clearing company.

  17. To the extent that the order has not been approved by the credit company, the customer will receive an appropriate notification and in order to complete the order, the customer will be required to contact the company's customer service hotline as detailed in section 5 below, for the purpose of making the payment. The transaction by the credit company. The customer did not act to arrange the approval of the transaction within 7 days from the date of receiving the notification of non-approval of the transaction by the credit company, the company may consider the transaction as canceled.

  18. After the company has received approval from the credit company for the order, an e-mail message will be sent to the customer to the address entered when filling out the order form about the order being placed (hereinafter: "Order Placement")

  19. For the avoidance of doubt, it will be clarified that the execution of the order will be considered complete only after the verification of the credit information and confirmation of the payment from the credit company at the company. Without the aforementioned approval of the credit company, the company will be entitled to consider the transaction as canceled and the company will not be obligated to the customer in any way, including not keeping the product in stock.

  20. The company may update the variety of products on the site, their prices, shipping rates and other terms of sale, from time to time and without the need for prior notice. The valid price in relation to the order placed is the price known at the time of placing the order. If the prices were updated before completing the order, the customer will be charged on the website according to the updated prices.

  21. The prices listed on the website include VAT.

  22. The company is entitled to offer promotions, benefits and discounts on the website and is also entitled at any time to stop these promotions, benefits and discounts, to replace or change them, without having to give any prior notice.

  23. It is clarified that it is possible that the range of products as well as the prices of the products and the other conditions of sale) displayed on the website will be different from the range of products (as well as the prices of the products and the other conditions of sale) sold by the company outside the website. To the extent that the user wishes to purchase a product not via the website or to purchase a certain product that is not displayed on the website, He is invited to contact the company's customer service as detailed in section 5 below.

  24. The company does not undertake to keep stock of all types of products that appear on the website. The execution of the order and the company's commitment to the delivery are conditional on the product's availability in the company's stock when the order is confirmed. As long as the product is not in stock, the company will be entitled to cancel the order. It will be clarified that even if it is not stated on the website that the product is not in stock or the product has not been downloaded from the website until the order confirmation date, the company will not be obligated to deliver the product and/or the order, and the customer will not have any claim and/or demand and/or claim in this regard This is for any type of damage, whether direct damage or indirect damage, which is caused to the customer and/or a third party. Nothing in this section is intended to detract from the company's obligation to return to the customer any amount he paid to the extent that he actually paid to the company, or to cancel the charge to the extent it was made.

Warranty and Service

  1. The company and/or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible and will not bear any damage of any kind and type, direct, indirect, consequential, or special, that will be caused to the user and/or customer and/or to the ordered and/or to a third party, as a result of any use and/or as a result of the order Through the website - whatever the cause of the claim may be - including loss of income and/or loss of profit caused by any reason whatsoever.

  2. The company does its best to ensure that the information presented on the website about the products and services provided by it is accurate. However, it will be clarified that, in good faith, inaccuracies or errors may appear on the website. The information presented on the website is presented "AS IS" (as it is) and the company will not bear any responsibility arising from inaccuracies and/or errors and/or omissions. If there is a pen error in the description of the product on the website, its price, the terms of payment, or the image of the product, the company may, at its sole discretion, cancel the specific purchase and entitle the customer to a full refund.

  3. The images and videos of the products displayed on the website are intended for illustration and illustration only, and are not binding on the company. It is clarified that there may be differences between the pictures and/or videos shown on the website, some or all, and the products actually sold, and the customer hereby waives any claim and/or demand and/or claim in this regard.

  4. In any case, the company will not bear any responsibility that exceeds the value of the purchased product, as well as any damage that is not direct and/or consequential damage.

  5. Subject to any law, the company will not be held responsible for any damage of any kind, caused to the customer or anyone on his behalf, if any information entered by the customer during the process of placing the order is lost or reaches any party other than the company and/or is used without authorization.

  6. To the extent that factors and/or events beyond the company's control will delay the delivery of the products and/or prevent the sale of the products, in whole or in part, in any way whatsoever, and/or the delivery of the products published on the website at the appointed times, and/or cause computer malfunctions and/or in the telephone systems and/or in any other communication factor relevant to the completion of the purchase process, this or that, in its various forms, and/or if due to hostilities and/or any other factor of force majeure the process of purchasing the products will be prevented and/or damaged in any way, including the way of delivering the products, and/or if there are changes in the tax rates and/or levies applicable to the products between the time the product is published on the website and the scheduled delivery date according to the product purchase conditions, the company may cancel the contract with the customers, all or some of them , and/or stop the site's activity. In this section, "force majeure" means, as is accepted by law, including strikes, shutdowns, natural disasters, abnormal weather, computer system malfunctions, telephone or e-mail system malfunctions, credit card processing malfunctions, or malfunctions in other communication systems, any sabotage, and a security incident.

  7. The company is not responsible for the customer's use of the products not in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and/or the company. You can contact the company's customer service as stated in section 5 above for help and/or additional information.

  8. In addition to the above, it is hereby clarified that the test device and the test strips that the company sells are designed to work together. It will be clarified and emphasized that in the event that the user makes use of the test device purchased from a party other than the company, together with test strips that were purchased from the company or vice versa, he assumes a serious risk that the products may not work with each other or that their function may be impaired in some other way. It is clarified that the company's customer service will not be able to provide support for a test device and/or test strips (and/or any other product not purchased from the company. It is also clarified that in such a case the company will not have any obligation to provide the user with training, service, or warranty, regarding the test device, both the test strips and any other product not purchased from the company, and the company will not bear any damage caused to the user as a result of the use as stated above.

  9. The website may contain links to other independently operated websites. Linked sites may have their own notices or privacy policies, which we suggest you read if you visit them. To the extent that linked websites you visit are not owned or controlled by the company, the company is not responsible for the content of the websites, their use or their privacy practices.

Payment Methods

Additional Subjects

Intellectual Property

  1. All intellectual property rights on the site, including patents, copyrights, models, methods, and trade secrets, are the exclusive property of the company. These rights apply, among other things, to the graphic design of the company's website, its databases (including product lists, product descriptions, etc.), the website's computer code, its Internet address, and any other detail related to its operation.

  2. Do not copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, market, or translate any information from the site (including trademarks, images, texts, and computer codes), without receiving the company's express written permission in advance.

  3. You may not make any commercial use of the data published by the company, in the company's database, in the product lists appearing on the website, or in other details published on it without obtaining the company's prior written consent.

  4. The company name, as well as the product brand names, and the company's trademarks (whether registered or not) - are all the property of the company or its suppliers (as the case may be) only. They may not be used without obtaining her prior written consent.

  5. Icons, any information and/or display appearing on the site, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos, as well as the editing and presentation of these, are the exclusive property of the company or its suppliers (as the case may be.) Use of this property of the company or its suppliers (as the case may be) will be done according to the provisions of this regulation only.

  6. You may not make any use of any trademark or product design appearing on the website or in the photographs found on the website which are protected intellectual property, both by virtue of Israeli law and by virtue of international treaties to which the State of Israel has joined.

  7. If for any reason you believe that a certain intellectual property right of yours has been violated, so that certain content on the website belongs to you, please contact us using the means of communication listed in section 5 of the terms of use and sale above.

Disclaimer; waiver

  1. Subject to all laws, the website, its content, and the products and services published on it, are provided as they are, on an "AS IS" basis according to availability and with all errors, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. The company is not responsible for the commercial quality of the information or its suitability for any purpose.

  2. Without deviating from what is stated in section 2.1 above, the company does its best to ensure the accuracy and up-to-datedness of the information displayed on the website. However, the company cannot fully guarantee the accuracy, specificity, and frequency of updating the information that is made available to the user. Because of this, the company or anyone on its behalf, including employees, shareholders, directors, managers, officers, or consultants, are not responsible (expressly or implicitly) for any inaccurate or out-of-date information or for the omission of information; for any damage caused due to a change in the information or materials displayed on the website; For any damage, direct or indirect, regardless of its cause, origin, nature or results, which is caused as a result of access or inability to access the website, as well as a result of using the website (including any damage or virus that may damage the user's computer system).

  3. The company does not make any representation or statement that the website, content, products, and services will be provided without faults or without interruption; that the fault will be fixed; or that the site or the servers containing the information contained in the site are protected from harmful components, including but not limited to viruses. The user declares that his use of the website is at his sole risk.

  4. The company will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind (including but not limited to - direct, indirect, economic, for example, special, punitive, accidental, or consequential damages) related, directly or indirectly, to the site; to the content; for products and services related to the site; for the inability to make use of them; to the user's computer, mobile device or other equipment, including but not limited to, damage as a result of the security breach, loss and/or unauthorized use of the username and password, or from viruses, bugs, intentional interference, fraud, error, omission, interference, malfunction, delay in operation or transmission, failure of the computer systems or network or any technical or other failures, including but not limited to, inaccuracy of results or other malfunction, whether foreseeable or not, whether by agreement, negligence of the company, absolute liability or in tort.

  5. The company will not be liable to the user or any other party for loss, damage, or injury, including but not limited to death or personal injury, all to the extent permitted by law.

  6. The company is not responsible for the actions, content, or information of third parties, and the user releases the company from any claim and damage, known or unknown, arising from or related to the claim against said third parties.

  7. The company does not guarantee that the use of the website, the content, the products, and services related to the website are in accordance with the provisions of the law in a certain jurisdiction, but only in the jurisdiction of the State of Israel. By accessing or using the website, content, products, and services related to the website, you declare that all your activities are legal in any jurisdiction in which you enter or use the website.


The user undertakes to indemnify the company, its employees, managers, or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss-profit, payment, or expense incurred by them - including attorney's fees and court costs - due to a violation of these regulations.

Additional conditions

These regulations describe and constitute the entire relationship between the company and you.

  1. You may not transfer your rights and/or obligations under these regulations to another. The company may transfer its rights and/or obligations to another. Your rights will not be affected in such a case.

  2. The interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any action or conflict arising from it will be done in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel and will be clarified, if necessary, in the court in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

  3. The company reserves the right to change these regulations from time to time. Current regulations that will be published on the site will bind the users of the site and those who perform the operations on it.

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